Nampatjunanyi (Paint and Draw)

A Collection of Papunya Tjupi Indigenous Art

Nampatjunanyi (Paint and Draw)

A Collection of Papunya Tjupi Indigenous Art


461-16 (2016)
Acrylic on Linen
Warlukuritji | 461-16
Acrylic on Linen
46 x 71cm | 18.11 x 27.95in

In this painting, Martha has depicted Walukuritji, one of a series of clay pans to the south of Lake MacDonald, all of which were significant for her late father Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi (c. 1920 - 1987).

The curved lines that divide the image represent creeks. Concentric circles represent kapi (water holes) and puli (creeks). The surrounding dot matrix depicts the tapestry of different types of vegetation across the landscape.