Songlines - NAIDOC 2016

A Collection of Fine Indigenous Art

Songlines - NAIDOC 2016

A Collection of Fine Indigenous Art


Lurrdurd, Jila Ngapa
4/15 (2015)
Atelier Acrylic Paint on Plywood
Lurrdurd, Jila Ngapa | 4/15
Atelier Acrylic Paint on Plywood
60 x 40cm | 23.62 x 15.75in

This is the old Dreamtime story about the time when Wangkatjungka and Gooniyandi were living together at this waterhole. The Gooniyandi man came through this country, this jila, near to Kurtal, in the dreamtime.

"He was a real man too, I knew him when I was younger, he was living at Goobadiya station, where that is now, his name was Wilja, I don’t remember his Kartiya name."