Stock Room Show - 2012 (Part 2)

A Collection of Contemporary Modern Aboriginal Art

Stock Room Show - 2012 (Part 2)

A Collection of Contemporary Modern Aboriginal Art


565-09 (2009)
Acrylic on Canvas
Kungkarangkalpa | 565-09
Acrylic on Canvas
50.8 x 50.8cm | 20 x 20in

Tjapartji Bates was born at Warrijda rockhole in country called Yinunmaru.

This painting depicts Tjaparti’s father’s place near Wanarn. Kungkarangkalpa Tjukurrpa (seven sisters dreaming) are travelling through beautiful tali (sandhills) country, camping at rockholes and collecting mirrka and kuka. They killed a tiwil and cooked and ate it. They then went to Kalalu and then went crawling along the creek and ended up in Wanarn.