Summer Stockroom Show 2017

A Collection of Australian Indigenous Art

Summer Stockroom Show 2017

A Collection of Australian Indigenous Art


15-106 (2015)
Acrylic on Linen
Nyuman | 15-106
Acrylic on Linen
75 x 60cm | 29.53 x 23.62in

Nyangatja punu katu ka walawuruku ngura ka ngura ini Nyuman ka panya walawuru palaru katu nyarinyi tjaru ngurini ka ngayuku ngura munu walawuruku ngura.

There are many tall trees which is the home of the wedge tail eagle and this particular site is called Nyuman, the place and tjukurpa of the wedge tail eagle (or the Walawuru tjukurpa). The eagle soars high above while searching the ground below. Lawrence Pennington says, "This place belongs to me and the eagle." The trees are represented by the lines and the circles beyond are the rock holes where water can be found.

Tjukurpa is the Pitjantjatjara concept for describing the formative creation where ancestral beings create the world. These beings are Anangu ancestors, who can take the form of people, plants or animals. They traverse the country; forming the world we live in, creating the waterholes, the trees, the clay pans, the rocky outcrops, the sand hills and the Spinifex plains. These land formations are the physical manifestation of the creation energy and tangible evidence that this Tjukurpa is true.

Lawrence Pennington is a senior initiated man from Spinifex country. At the time of Lawrence’s birth in the early 1930’s, his people, the Spinifex people had no contact with Western civilisation. Lawrence grew up as a young boy living a fully traditional hunter-gatherer life. His initiations as a young man in this country have given Lawrence intimate knowledge in a physical as well as a spiritual sense of the sites and stories of the area he was born and responsible for. Lawrence’s works possess a rare power that stem from this deep connection to culture and country.

Nyangatja punu katu ka walawuruku ngura ka ngura ini Nyuman ka panya walawuru palaru katu nyarinyi tjaru ngurini ka ngayuku ngura munu walawuruku ngura.

There are many tall trees which is the home of the wedge tail eagle and this particular site is called Nyuman, the place and tjukurpa of the wedge tail eagle (or the Walawuru tjukurpa). The eagle soars high above while searching the ground below. Lawrence Pennington says, "This place belongs to me and the eagle." The trees are represented...