Walkatjunanyi Inmaku (Painting Songs)

Walkatjunanyi Inmaku (Painting Songs)

A Collection of Tjungu Palya Indigenous Art

05 Apr 2017

ReDot Fine Art Gallery is especially honoured to present the exhibition Walkatjunanyi Inmaku (Painting Songs). The exhibition consists of eight astonishing large-scale paintings, executed by the senior artists of Tjungu Palya Arts. Located at Nyapari community about 100 km south of Uluru (Ayres Rock) in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, in the remote north west corner of South Australia, Tjungu Palya Arts is one of the most innovative art centres in Central Australia and is solely Aboriginal owned and governed.

As ReDot Fine Art Gallery celebrates its long-standing partnership with Tjungu Palya Arts, we welcome the Singaporean audience to connect and immerse themselves in this experience of Indigenous art and culture. This concisely curated exhibition represents the pinnacle of each of the artist’s abilities, and is a high point in their careers. Each painting tells the story of the artist’s relationship with their landscape and the powerful traditional Tjukurpa (Dreamtime symbolism) embedded within its land formations.

An exhibition of this magnitude has never been seen before from Tjungu Palya Arts, with each painting being 200 x 300 cm in size. This larger format allows abundant space for sprawling and epic narratives, which depict large tracks of country and demonstrate fundamental cultural thinking. This scale also allows the artists the freedom to weave a spectacular amount of painterly detail into their work. The nuanced mark-making of each individual artist sets a unique and sophisticated tone within each artwork, and represents a strong spiritual connection, to both the act of painting and the process of narrating ones’ mythological beliefs.

The artists of Tjungu Palya Arts hold a special position in Australian art. They are simultaneously contributing to contemporary painting discourse whilst representing a strong cultural and political standpoint - that of living on their country as traditional and current owners whilst partaking in regular ceremony and teaching young people how to do the same. We invite the audience to participate in the privilege of absorbing these very distinctive Indigenous viewpoints, which represents an understanding of country in the present moment, as well as memories of pre-colonial life in one of Australia’s most remote environments.

The exhibition runs from Wednesday 5 April to Saturday 27 May 2017. Attending the opening reception, on Friday 7 April, are Tjungu Palya artists Teresa Baker and Imitjala Pollard, with the art centre managers, Benji Bradley and Liz Bird.

A must-see exhibition for those interested in following recent developments in Indigenous art. This is a wonderful opportunity to view important and collectable artwork emerging from Australia today, created by some of the most talented proponents of one of the world’s oldest art forms.