When Harry Met Sandy

A Collection of Ninuku Indigenous Art

When Harry Met Sandy

A Collection of Ninuku Indigenous Art


Wanka: Spider
Acrylic on Belgian Linen
Wanka: Spider | 15-197
Acrylic on Belgian Linen
91 x 123cm | 35.83 x 48.43in

Harry’s depiction of a spider is common in his paintings. It represents the ancestral being with whom he most strongly identifies. His connection to the spider relates to his powers as a Ngangkari (traditional healer).

"This is a big spider man. Wati paluru Ngangkari (a male traditional healer). He is a powerful and clever man. When rain comes, he hides in his nest. At night time, he changes colour. His name is Wati Wanka (Spider Man). Minyma wanka tjuta (referring to a group of female spiders) are the women and all the children for this man. That’s the story. I am the spider man."

Harry’s depiction of a spider is common in his paintings. It represents the ancestral being with whom he most strongly identifies. His connection to the spider relates to his powers as a Ngangkari (traditional healer).

"This is a big spider man. Wati paluru Ngangkari (a male traditional healer). He is a powerful and clever man. When rain comes, he hides in his nest. At night time, he changes colour. His name is Wati Wanka (Spider Man). Minyma wanka tjuta (referring to a group of female...