Australian Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) artwork by AMY LOOGATHA of Mornington Island Artists. The title is Bijurr. [2133-L-AL-0307] (Synthetic Polymer Paint on Linen)



Australian Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) artwork by AMY LOOGATHA of Mornington Island Artists. The title is Bijurr-pipies. [2070-L-AL-0307] (Synthetic Polymer Paint on Linen)



Australian Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) artwork by AMY LOOGATHA of Mornington Island Artists. The title is Paula’s Husband’s Country. [5379-L-AL-0210] (Synthetic Polymer Paint on Linen)


Paula’s Husband’s Country

"I was born behind Ninjilki on Bentinck Is.

I remember when I was small and planes used to fly overhead we used to run and hide in the mangroves.

It was fun playing and growing up on Bentinck as small girls but that soon changed when they came and took us away and dumped us on Mornington Island. Life was very hard in the dormitory.

We were fed flour with weavels in it, we had to bathe in saltwater and our clothes were made out of rough material like the canvas we now paint on. I went out to the mainland to work for a few years on stations before coming back to Mornington and having children. When our landrights came it was great to be free of Mornington Is and return to our home.

I took my grandchildren with me to show them their traditional country and to live on our homeland once again.".

"I was born behind Ninjilki on Bentinck Is.

I remember when I was small and planes used to fly overhead we used to run and hide in the mangroves.

It was fun playing and growing up on Bentinck as small girls but that soon changed when they came and took us away and dumped us on Mornington Island. Life was very hard in the dormitory.

We were fed flour with weavels in it, we had to bathe in saltwater and our clothes were made out of rough material like the canvas we now paint on. I went out to the mainland to work for a few years on stations before coming back to Mornington and having children. When our landrights came it was great to be free of Mornington Is and return to our home.

I took my grandchildren with me to show them their traditional country and to live on our homeland once again.".

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