Bugai was born at Pukayiyirna, on present day Balfour Downs Station.

While she was still a very small child, her parents took her north through Jigalong and Nullagine to Kunawarritji.

She grew up, walked and hunted primarily around Punmu, Kunawarritji and Kunkun.

She and her mother travelled with drovers a considerable distance along the Canning Stock Route and Bugai was later able to teach other Martu people about some of the benefits and risks associated with drovers and missionaries.

While living in the bush, Bugai taught many Martu how to make damper and also told them not to eat any meat that appeared to have been left for them, in case it were poisoned.

Once married, Bugai travelled with the Biljabu and Taylor families.

She travelled north to Joanna Springs and returned to Balfour Downs before being ‘picked up’ by missionaries near Parnngurr.

Bugai lived at Jigalong for some years before living in Martu communities at Strelley, Puntawarri, Punmu and Parnngurr.

Since many of her close relatives have passed away she lives with her husband and her sisters in Kunawarritji.

She learnt to paint by working closely alongside Nungabar and Wompi in Kunawarritji..

Bugai was born at Pukayiyirna, on present day Balfour Downs Station.

While she was still a very small child, her parents took her north through Jigalong and Nullagine to Kunawarritji.

She grew up, walked and hunted primarily around Punmu, Kunawarritji and Kunkun.

She and her mother travelled with drovers a considerable distance along the Canning Stock Route and Bugai was later able to teach other Martu people about some of the benefits and risks associated with drovers and missionaries.

While living in the bush, Bugai taught many Martu how to make damper and also told them not to eat any meat that appeared to have been left for them, in case it were poisoned.

Once married, Bugai travelled with the Biljabu and Taylor families.

She travelled north to Joanna Springs and returned to Balfour Downs before being ‘picked up’ by missionaries near Parnngurr.

Bugai lived at Jigalong for some years before living in Martu communities at Strelley, Puntawarri, Punmu and Parnngurr.

Since many of her close relatives have passed away she lives with her husband and her sisters in Kunawarritji.

She learnt to paint by working closely alongside Nungabar and Wompi in Kunawarritji..