This painting depicts the Ngatijirri, or budgerigah Tjukurrpa (Dreaming) belonging to Napaltjarri and Nungurrayi women. The Tjukurrpa begins at Lima, east of Balgo in the Tanami Desert and in Warlpiri country. It is here adult budgerigahs lay their eggs in hollow tree trunks.
The U shapes show the adult male and female birds near their nest. They travel around and collect lukkarra seeds which they feed to their young once they are born. The Tjukurrpa story tells of these birds eventually changing into people.
This painting depicts the Ngatijirri, or budgerigah Tjukurrpa (Dreaming) belonging to Napaltjarri and Nungurrayi women. The Tjukurrpa begins at Lima, east of Balgo in the Tanami Desert and in Warlpiri country. It is here adult budgerigahs lay their eggs in hollow tree trunks.
The U shapes show the adult male and female birds near their nest. They travel around and collect lukkarra seeds which they feed to their young once they are born. The Tjukurrpa story tells of these birds eventually changing into people.