"This is my mum’s, Sally Gabori’s, country. It is also on the southern side of Bentinck Island, next to my dad’s country."
"This is my mum’s, Sally Gabori’s, country. It is also on the southern side of Bentinck Island, next to my dad’s country."
"This is my dad’s country on Bentinck Island. It is on the southern side near the coast."
"My dad’s country is near the coast on the southern side of Bentinck Island. There is a small river and it is mainly bush country."
"My dad’s country is near the coast on the southern side of Bentinck Island. There is a small river and it is mainly bush country."
"This is a panja swamp on my dad’s country on Bentinck Island. Panja is a nut that we dig for when swamps dry up."