This artist is married to Manini Gumana, a daughter of Dhalwangu leader, Dhakawal Gumana who was the brother of Gawirrin Gumana AO and son of Birrikitji Gumana a senior ritual leader.
Garawan and his family continue to live and work at Gangan and he has emerged as one of the most gifted of the new generation of artists based there.
His father was Munuparriwuy Wanambi (1920-73) one of the artists of the Yirrkala Church Panels (himself a son of Garrarrambu one of Thomson’s subjects) his mother was Gawirrin’s sister Guthikpuy (their mother from the Dhudi Djapu clan). After his father’s death Garawan was guided by Yanggariny Wunungmurra and through this connection paints Marrangu the counterpart of Marrakulu from the other side of Arnhem Bay.
A major solo exhibition of his work was shown at Niagara Galleries in Melbourne 2009..
This artist is married to Manini Gumana, a daughter of Dhalwangu leader, Dhakawal Gumana who was the brother of Gawirrin Gumana AO and son of Birrikitji Gumana a senior ritual leader.
Garawan and his family continue to live and work at Gangan and he has emerged as one of the most gifted of the new generation of artists based there.
His father was Munuparriwuy Wanambi (1920-73) one of the artists of the Yirrkala Church Panels (himself a son of Garrarrambu one of Thomson’s subjects) his mother was Gawirrin’s sister Guthikpuy (their mother from the Dhudi Djapu clan). After his father’s death Garawan was guided by Yanggariny Wunungmurra and through this connection paints Marrangu the counterpart of Marrakulu from the other side of Arnhem Bay.
A major solo exhibition of his work was shown at Niagara Galleries in Melbourne 2009..