Date of Birth: 01.01.20 Language:Gooniyandi Country:Jalnganjoowa Kumanjayi [deceased] Cherel was born around 1920 at Jalnganjoowa, near the original homestead on one of the longest established cattle stations in the Kimberley, Fossil Downs.

He began painting relatively late in life as did many of his peers.

His paintings document natural phenomena and are a metaphorical reference to both his country, Imanara, and his life experiences.

He is well represented nationally and in many private collections around the world.

Kumanjayi Cherel was recognized as one of Australia’s leading contemporary artists.

He has been listed twice as one of the 50 most collectable artists in Australia by Australian Art Collector and was declared a ‘State Living Treasure’ by the Government of Western Australia in 2004. Kumanjayi Cherel was fluent in Kija, Gooniyandi, Walmajarri and Bunuba.

His mother was Kija and his father Gooniyandi.

Both of his parents worked on Fossil Down Station in and around the homestead.

They used to take their son out bush for walkabout and at law time.

Kumanjayi Cherel worked as a stockman on Fossil Downs Station droving from Fitzroy Crossing to Derby and Broome.

Before he passed away, he reflected on these times: This time was real hard.

I lost my Law for a while when I was a young man working on the station.

However Kumanjayi Cherel maintained his understanding of traditional knowledge passed down from his parents and grandparents.

He saw Aboriginal Law and language as fundamentally important.

He was a key elder of the Gooniyandi language group and was instrumental in the retention of Law ceremony at Muludja Community..

Date of Birth: 01.01.20 Language:Gooniyandi Country:Jalnganjoowa Kumanjayi [deceased] Cherel was born around 1920 at Jalnganjoowa, near the original homestead on one of the longest established cattle stations in the Kimberley, Fossil Downs.

He began painting relatively late in life as did many of his peers.

His paintings document natural phenomena and are a metaphorical reference to both his country, Imanara, and his life experiences.

He is well represented nationally and in many private collections around the world.

Kumanjayi Cherel was recognized as one of Australia’s leading contemporary artists.

He has been listed twice as one of the 50 most collectable artists in Australia by Australian Art Collector and was declared a ‘State Living Treasure’ by the Government of Western Australia in 2004. Kumanjayi Cherel was fluent in Kija, Gooniyandi, Walmajarri and Bunuba.

His mother was Kija and his father Gooniyandi.

Both of his parents worked on Fossil Down Station in and around the homestead.

They used to take their son out bush for walkabout and at law time.

Kumanjayi Cherel worked as a stockman on Fossil Downs Station droving from Fitzroy Crossing to Derby and Broome.

Before he passed away, he reflected on these times: This time was real hard.

I lost my Law for a while when I was a young man working on the station.

However Kumanjayi Cherel maintained his understanding of traditional knowledge passed down from his parents and grandparents.

He saw Aboriginal Law and language as fundamentally important.

He was a key elder of the Gooniyandi language group and was instrumental in the retention of Law ceremony at Muludja Community..