Nancy Taylor is a Warnman woman from Karlamilyi and a sister of Minyowe Miller, who also paints with Martumili.
Minyowe and Nancy lost their mother at Kurrka, their other mother in Nullagine and their grandfather at Wirtilwirtil (near Woody Woody gold mine).
Nancy paints the country around Karlamilyi, including Japarli, Yaralalyu.
Jinturinypalangu and Jutupa..
Nancy Taylor is a Warnman woman from Karlamilyi and a sister of Minyowe Miller, who also paints with Martumili.
Minyowe and Nancy lost their mother at Kurrka, their other mother in Nullagine and their grandfather at Wirtilwirtil (near Woody Woody gold mine).
Nancy paints the country around Karlamilyi, including Japarli, Yaralalyu.
Jinturinypalangu and Jutupa..