Ngalpingka Simms was born at a place in Western Australia known to Anangu (Aboriginal people) as Wayiyul. Wayiyul is a Seven Sister's site, situated to the north of Warburton Community, and is therefore a sacred site.
Ngalpingka spent her early days living a traditional lifestyle with her small family group and later moved into Warburton Mission where many Ngaanyatjarra people settled. She spent many years at Warburton living a semi nomadic lifestyle and participating in traditional ceremony. Now living at Tjuntjuntjara and married to Spinifex elder Lennard Walker, Ngalpingka paints with the Spinifex Arts Project. She has participated with the Spinifex Artists since 1998 and is a valuable and knowledgeable member of the group who paints her homeland area associated with the Minyma Tjuta (Seven Sisters) as well as collaborative paintings.
Ngalpingka Simms was born at a place in Western Australia known to Anangu (Aboriginal people) as Wayiyul. Wayiyul is a Seven Sister's site, situated to the north of Warburton Community, and is therefore a sacred site.
Ngalpingka spent her early days living a traditional lifestyle with her small family group and later moved into Warburton Mission where many Ngaanyatjarra people settled. She spent many years at Warburton living a semi nomadic lifestyle and participating in traditional ceremony. Now living at Tjuntjuntjara and married to Spinifex elder Lennard Walker, Ngalpingka paints with the Spinifex Arts Project. She has participated with the Spinifex Artists since 1998 and is a valuable and knowledgeable member of the group who paints her homeland area associated with the Minyma Tjuta (Seven Sisters) as well as collaborative paintings.