Takariya was born in the desert c1960.

During the summer of 1962 her family were living at Kanyarlatjutjanunya, south of the Pollock Hills.

They made contact with people at the beginning of the summer of 1984 at Winparrku (Mt Webb) east of the Kiwirrkura Community.

Before this they had been living at Marawa on the south-western side of Lake Mackay.

Within a few days of making contact they moved to live at the Kiwirrkura Community.

In 1999 Takariya contributed to the Kiwirrkura women’s painting as part of the Western Desert Dialysis Appeal..

Takariya was born in the desert c1960.

During the summer of 1962 her family were living at Kanyarlatjutjanunya, south of the Pollock Hills.

They made contact with people at the beginning of the summer of 1984 at Winparrku (Mt Webb) east of the Kiwirrkura Community.

Before this they had been living at Marawa on the south-western side of Lake Mackay.

Within a few days of making contact they moved to live at the Kiwirrkura Community.

In 1999 Takariya contributed to the Kiwirrkura women’s painting as part of the Western Desert Dialysis Appeal..