Thorine was born 13/11/1976, her language is Alywarr.

Thorine is a new painter for Ampilatwatja.

She has seen her auntie painting, who has encouraged her to at least give it a go. Thorine has taken to painting with enthusiasm and vigor.

Her paintings have a unique style and are easily recogniseable, she wishes to continue painting as it gives her a great sense of pride to see her work finished and hanging in galleries..

Thorine was born 13/11/1976, her language is Alywarr.

Thorine is a new painter for Ampilatwatja.

She has seen her auntie painting, who has encouraged her to at least give it a go. Thorine has taken to painting with enthusiasm and vigor.

Her paintings have a unique style and are easily recogniseable, she wishes to continue painting as it gives her a great sense of pride to see her work finished and hanging in galleries..