"When someone close to us passes away, we Bentinck ladies would cut ourselves, leaving scars on our bodies which are called Burrkunda."
"When someone close to us dies we cut ourselves out of sorrow. This causes scars called Burrkunda."
"Burrkunda are scars us Bentinck ladies have on our bodies. When someone close to us dies we cut ourselves with sharp rocks or shells in sorrow at our loss."
"When someone close to us passes away, we Bentinck ladies would cut ourselves, leaving scars on our bodies which are called Burrkunda."
"My painting shows all the rocks that cover some of our beaches on Bentinck Island."
"My painting shows all the rocks that cover some of our beaches on Bentinck Island."
"There are many rocks all over Bentinck Island. These are large ones near Main Base Outstation."
"I like to paint the rocks that cover the ground in places around Bentinck Island."
"There lots of rocks on Bentinck Island. I like to paint them."