Australian Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) artwork by DULCIE RAGGETT of Yarrenyty Arltere Artists (YALC). The title is Bird with Wings. [268-15] (Soft Sculpture)


Bird with Wings

Australian Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) artwork by DULCIE RAGGETT of Yarrenyty Arltere Artists (YALC). The title is Owl. [140-14] (Soft Sculpture)



Dulcie Raggett grew up at Glen Helen Station, west of Alice Springs. She was born in Alice Springs. Her father worked as a stockman on the station. When she was six, she moved with her mother to Trucking Yards in Alice Springs, where she lived until she was a young adult.

Dulcie has four children and spends time between Alice Springs and Harts Range. Her presence in the art room is always welcomed, and she continues to develop strong and personal work, both in soft sculpture and print making.

Dulcie Raggett grew up at Glen Helen Station, west of Alice Springs. She was born in Alice Springs. Her father worked as a stockman on the station. When she was six, she moved with her mother to Trucking Yards in Alice Springs, where she lived until she was a young adult.

Dulcie has four children and spends time between Alice Springs and Harts Range. Her presence in the art room is always welcomed, and she continues to develop strong and personal work, both in soft sculpture and print making.

Australian Sculptural Extravaganza

A Collection of Contemporary Australian Sculptures

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